Github Pages Jekyll Theme “Minima” Navigation Not Showing? Fix It Now!
Image by Kataleen -

Github Pages Jekyll Theme “Minima” Navigation Not Showing? Fix It Now!

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re struggling to get the navigation menu to display on your Github Pages site using the popular “Minima” Jekyll theme. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the common issues and provide step-by-step solutions to get your navigation up and running in no time.

The Problem: Navigation Menu Not Showing

When you first install the Minima theme on your Github Pages site, you might notice that the navigation menu is nowhere to be found. This can be frustrating, especially if you’ve spent hours customizing your site only to realize that the navigation menu is missing. But fear not, my friend! We’ll explore the common reasons behind this issue and provide solutions to get your navigation menu back on track.

Reason 1: Incorrect Configuration in `_config.yml`

One of the most common reasons for the navigation menu not showing is incorrect configuration in the `_config.yml` file. This file is the backbone of your Jekyll site, and any mistakes can cause issues with the navigation menu. Let’s take a closer look:

# _config.yml
title: Your Site Title
description: Your site description
theme: minima
  - title: Home
    url: /
  - title: About
    url: /about
  - title: Contact
    url: /contact

In the above code snippet, we’ve defined the navigation menu items in the `nav` section of the `_config.yml` file. Make sure you have correctly formatted the navigation items, and that the `theme` is set to `minima`.

Reason 2: Missing `nav` Section in `_config.yml`

If you’ve forgotten to add the `nav` section in your `_config.yml` file, the navigation menu won’t show up. To fix this, simply add the `nav` section and define your navigation menu items:

# _config.yml
title: Your Site Title
description: Your site description
theme: minima
  - title: Home
    url: /
  - title: About
    url: /about
  - title: Contact
    url: /contact

Reason 3: Incorrect File Structure

The Minima theme requires a specific file structure to function correctly. Make sure you have the following folders and files in your Github Pages site:

  • _includes folder
  • _layouts folder
  • _pages folder
  • index.html file
  • _config.yml file

If you’re missing any of these files or folders, the navigation menu might not show up. Create the necessary files and folders, and make sure they’re correctly structured.

Reason 4: Conflicting CSS Styles

In some cases, conflicting CSS styles can hide the navigation menu. Check your custom CSS files for any styles that might be overriding the default Minima theme styles. You can use the Developer Tools in your browser to inspect the elements and identify any conflicting styles.

Solution: Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing the Navigation Menu

Now that we’ve covered the common reasons behind the navigation menu not showing, let’s follow a step-by-step guide to fix the issue:

  1. Open your `_config.yml` file and ensure the `theme` is set to `minima`:

    # _config.yml
    theme: minima
  2. Define your navigation menu items in the `nav` section of the `_config.yml` file:

    # _config.yml
      - title: Home
        url: /
      - title: About
        url: /about
      - title: Contact
        url: /contact
  3. Check your file structure and ensure you have the necessary folders and files:

  4. Inspect your custom CSS files for any conflicting styles that might be hiding the navigation menu. Use the Developer Tools in your browser to identify and fix any issues.

  5. Save all changes and rebuild your Jekyll site using the `jekyll build` command.

  6. Push the changes to your Github repository and wait for the site to deploy.

  7. Check your site again, and the navigation menu should now be visible.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still facing issues with the navigation menu, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Check the Jekyll build logs for any errors or warnings.

  • Try resetting the `nav` section in your `_config.yml` file and re-running the `jekyll build` command.

  • Inspect the HTML source code of your site to ensure the navigation menu is being generated correctly.

  • Try using a different Jekyll theme to see if the issue persists.


In this article, we’ve covered the common reasons behind the navigation menu not showing in Github Pages sites using the Minima Jekyll theme. By following the step-by-step guide and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to get your navigation menu up and running in no time. Remember to always double-check your `_config.yml` file, file structure, and custom CSS styles for any issues that might be causing the problem.

Reason Solution
Incorrect Configuration in `_config.yml` Check and correct the `_config.yml` file
Missing `nav` Section in `_config.yml` Add the `nav` section to the `_config.yml` file
Incorrect File Structure Check and correct the file structure
Conflicting CSS Styles Inspect and fix conflicting CSS styles

Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or issues!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Github pages Jekyll theme ‘Minima’ navigation not showing”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get stuck with Minima theme navigation on Github pages? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Q1: Why is my navigation menu not showing up on my Github pages site using Minima theme?

A1: This is likely due to the lack of YAML front matter in your Markdown files. Make sure to add `nav: true` to the front matter of your Markdown files to enable navigation.

Q2: I’ve added `nav: true` to my Markdown files, but the navigation menu still doesn’t show up. What’s going on?

A2: Double-check that you’ve also added a `title` to your Markdown files. The navigation menu relies on the title to generate the links. Make sure to add a title to each of your Markdown files.

Q3: My navigation menu is showing up, but the links are not correct. How do I fix this?

A3: This is likely due to incorrect permalinks. Check your `_config.yml` file and make sure that the `permalink` setting is correct. You can also try setting `relative_permalinks` to `true` to see if that fixes the issue.

Q4: I’ve tried all the above, but my navigation menu still doesn’t show up. What’s the next step?

A4: Try checking the Github pages build logs to see if there are any errors or warnings related to the navigation menu. You can also try rebuilding your site to see if that resolves the issue.

Q5: Can I customize the navigation menu in Minima theme?

A5: Yes, you can customize the navigation menu in Minima theme by creating a custom `_includes/navigation.html` file. This allows you to override the default navigation menu and add your own custom links or styles.