Mastering System.CommandLine: Adding Boolean Flag Options to Your Commands
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Mastering System.CommandLine: Adding Boolean Flag Options to Your Commands

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Are you tired of writing lengthy code to parse command-line arguments in your .NET applications? Do you want to simplify your code and make it more maintainable? Look no further! System.CommandLine is here to revolutionize the way you work with command-line interfaces. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of System.CommandLine and explore how to add a boolean flag option to a command.

What is System.CommandLine?

System.CommandLine is a new, modern API for building command-line interfaces in .NET. It provides a simple, intuitive way to define commands, options, and arguments, making it easy to parse and validate user input. With System.CommandLine, you can focus on writing the logic of your application rather than worrying about the intricacies of command-line parsing.

Why Use System.CommandLine?

  • Simple and intuitive API: System.CommandLine provides a concise and easy-to-use API that makes it easy to define commands and options.
  • Strongly-typed options: With System.CommandLine, you can define strongly-typed options, which ensures that your code is type-safe and less prone to errors.
  • Automatic help generation: System.CommandLine can automatically generate help text for your commands and options, making it easier for users to understand how to use your application.
  • Extensive feature set: System.CommandLine supports a wide range of features, including boolean flags, option sets, and custom parsers.

Adding a Boolean Flag Option to a Command

Now that we’ve covered the basics of System.CommandLine, let’s dive into the meat of the article: adding a boolean flag option to a command. A boolean flag option is a type of option that can be set to either true or false, and is typically used to toggle a specific feature or behavior in your application.

Defining the Command

To start, we need to define a new command using the `Command` class from System.CommandLine. This class represents a single command, and can be customized to suit your needs.

using System.CommandLine;

namespace MyApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var command = new Command("my-command", "My sample command");

Defining the Boolean Flag Option

Next, we need to define the boolean flag option using the `Option` class from System.CommandLine. This class represents a single option, and can be customized to suit your needs.

using System.CommandLine;

namespace MyApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var command = new Command("my-command", "My sample command");
            var verboseOption = new Option("--verbose", "Enable verbose mode");

Configuring the Boolean Flag Option

By default, the `Option` class assumes that the option value is a string. However, since we’re working with a boolean flag option, we need to configure the option to accept a boolean value instead.

using System.CommandLine;

namespace MyApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var command = new Command("my-command", "My sample command");
            var verboseOption = new Option("--verbose", "Enable verbose mode");

Parsing the Command-Line Arguments

using System.CommandLine;

namespace MyApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var command = new Command("my-command", "My sample command");
            var verboseOption = new Option("--verbose", "Enable verbose mode");

            var parser = new Parser(command);
            var result = parser.Parse(args);

Accessing the Boolean Flag Option Value

Finally, we can access the value of the boolean flag option using the `result` object returned by the `Parse` method.

using System.CommandLine;

namespace MyApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var command = new Command("my-command", "My sample command");
            var verboseOption = new Option("--verbose", "Enable verbose mode");

            var parser = new Parser(command);
            var result = parser.Parse(args);

            if (result.HasOption(verboseOption))
                bool verbose = result.GetValueForOption(verboseOption);
                Console.WriteLine($"Verbose mode is {(verbose ? "enabled" : "disabled")}");


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of System.CommandLine and explored how to add a boolean flag option to a command. With System.CommandLine, you can easily define commands, options, and arguments, and parse command-line arguments with ease. Remember to always follow best practices and keep your code simple, intuitive, and maintainable. Happy coding!

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

When working with System.CommandLine, you may encounter some common pitfalls and issues. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot and overcome these challenges:

Pitfall Solution
Option values are not being parsed correctly Check that the option type matches the expected type (e.g., bool, int, string). Verify that the option value is correctly formatted and does not contain any whitespace characters.
The parser is not recognizing the command or option Check that the command and option names are correctly defined and match the exact casing used in the command-line arguments. Verify that the parser is correctly configured to recognize the command and option.
The application is throwing an exception when parsing command-line arguments Check the exception message and inner exceptions for more information about the error. Verify that the command-line arguments are correctly formatted and do not contain any invalid characters.

By following these tips and best practices, you can ensure that your application parses command-line arguments correctly and provides a seamless user experience.

Additional Resources

Want to learn more about System.CommandLine and its features? Here are some additional resources to get you started:

Remember to always stay up-to-date with the latest developments and features in System.CommandLine, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the community for support and guidance.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the ins and outs of adding a boolean flag option to a command using System.CommandLine. From defining the command and option to parsing the command-line arguments and accessing the option value, we’ve explored the entire process step-by-step. By following these instructions and best practices, you can simplify your code, improve maintainability, and provide a seamless user experience in your .NET applications. Happy coding!

**SEO Keywords:** System.CommandLine, boolean flag option, command-line interface, .NET, C#, API, parsing, command-line arguments, option values, troubleshooting, best practices.

**Note:** This article is for informational purposes only and is not affiliated with Microsoft or any other organization. The code examples provided are for illustrative purposes only and may require modifications to suit your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unveil the secrets of adding boolean flag options to your commands using System.CommandLine!

What is a boolean flag option, and why do I need it in my command?

A boolean flag option is a command-line option that can be either enabled (true) or disabled (false). You need it in your command when you want to provide a simple on/off switch for a specific feature or behavior. For instance, you might want a –verbose flag to enable detailed logging or a –dry-run flag to simulate the execution without making actual changes.

How do I define a boolean flag option using System.CommandLine?

To define a boolean flag option, you create an instance of the Option class and set its Argument property to null. You can then add the option to your command using the AddOption method. For example: var verbosityOption = new Option("--verbose", "Enable verbose logging"); verbosityOption Argument = null;

How do I access the value of a boolean flag option in my command handler?

To access the value of a boolean flag option, you can use the ParseResult.ValueForOption method, which returns a ValueResult object. You can then check the GetValue property of the ValueResult object to get the boolean value of the option. For example: if (result.ValueForOption(verbosityOption).GetValueOrDefault(false)) { /* verbose logging is enabled */ }

Can I use a boolean flag option with a default value?

Yes, you can use a boolean flag option with a default value. When creating the option, you can set its DefaultValue property to a boolean value. If the user doesn’t provide the option, the default value will be used. For example: var verbosityOption = new Option("--verbose", "Enable verbose logging") { DefaultValue = false };

How do I validate the value of a boolean flag option?

You can use the Validator property of the option to specify a validation function. The validation function will be called when the option is parsed, and it can throw an exception if the value is invalid. For example: verbosityOption.Validator = value => value ? value : throw new ArgumentException("Verbose logging must be enabled or disabled");