Suggestions for Good Workflows with Git, when Gerrit is the Central Repo
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Suggestions for Good Workflows with Git, when Gerrit is the Central Repo

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Are you tired of dealing with chaotic Git workflows when working with Gerrit as the central repository? Look no further! In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to optimize your Git workflow when working with Gerrit, ensuring a seamless and efficient development process.

Understanding the Basics of Gerrit and Git

Before we dive into the world of workflows, let’s take a brief moment to understand the basics of Gerrit and Git.

Gerrit is a web-based code review system that integrates with Git, allowing developers to review and approve changes before they’re merged into the central repository. Git, on the other hand, is a distributed version control system that enables collaboration and tracking of changes in code.

The combination of Gerrit and Git provides a powerful toolset for managing code changes, but it can also lead to complexities in your workflow. Fear not, dear developer! We’re here to help you navigate these complexities and optimize your workflow.

Setting Up Your Git Environment

Before we dive into the meat of our workflow suggestions, let’s ensure your Git environment is set up correctly. Follow these steps:

  1. git config --global "Your Name" (replace “Your Name” with your actual name)
  2. git config --global "[email protected]" (replace “[email protected]” with your actual email)
  3. git config --global core.editor "your_preferred_editor" (replace “your_preferred_editor” with your preferred text editor)

These configurations will ensure that your Git environment is set up correctly, and you’ll be able to commit changes with the correct author information.

Workflow Suggestion 1: Branching Strategy

A well-planned branching strategy is essential when working with Gerrit and Git. Here’s a suggested approach:

Create two main branches:

  • main: This is your production-ready branch, where all changes should be reviewed and approved before being merged.
  • dev: This is your development branch, where you’ll make changes and commit them for review.

When working on a new feature or bug fix, create a feature branch from the dev branch:

git checkout -b feature/new-feature dev

Work on your feature, commit changes, and push them to Gerrit for review:

git add .
git commit -m "Added new feature"
git push origin feature/new-feature:refs/for/dev

Once your change is reviewed and approved, it’ll be merged into the dev branch. When the dev branch is stable, merge it into the main branch:

git checkout main
git merge dev

Workflow Suggestion 2: Commit Message Guidelines

Clear and concise commit messages are essential when working with Gerrit and Git. Follow these guidelines:

Use the following format for your commit messages:

commit_title: Brief summary of changes

Changes details


Fix typo in Corrected spelling mistake in introduction

Moved typo in introduction to correct section

Use the first line to provide a brief summary of the changes, and the subsequent lines to provide more detailed explanations.

Workflow Suggestion 3: Rebase vs. Merge

When working with Gerrit, it’s essential to understand the difference between rebasing and merging. Here’s a brief explanation:

Merge: Merging creates a new commit that combines the changes from two branches. This can lead to a non-linear commit history, making it difficult to track changes.

Rebase: Rebasing reapplies your changes on top of the latest version of the branch, maintaining a linear commit history.

When working with Gerrit, it’s recommended to use rebase instead of merge, to maintain a clean and linear commit history:

git pull --rebase origin dev

This will rebase your local changes on top of the latest version of the dev branch.

Workflow Suggestion 4: Using Gerrit’s Change-Id

Gerrit provides a unique Change-Id for each change, allowing you to track changes across iterations. Use this Change-Id in your commit messages:

git commit -m "Fix typo in Corrected spelling mistake in introduction
Change-Id: I1234567890abcdef"

This will link your commit to the corresponding change in Gerrit, making it easy to track changes.

Workflow Suggestion 5: Submitting Changes for Review

When submitting changes for review, ensure you provide clear and concise information:

Create a new change in Gerrit, and add a clear and descriptive title:

git push origin feature/new-feature:refs/for/dev

In the change description, provide a brief summary of the changes, and any relevant details:

Fixed typo in

Moved typo in introduction to correct section

Assign reviewers to your change, and set the correct labels and priorities:

Assign to: @reviewer1, @reviewer2
Labels: bug, high-priority

Workflow Suggestion 6: Addressing Review Comments

When addressing review comments, ensure you:

Respond to comments in a timely manner, using the @mention syntax to notify the reviewer:

@reviewer1 Thanks for the feedback! I've addressed the comment and updated the change.

Update your change by committing new changes, and pushing them to Gerrit:

git add .
git commit -m "Updated change to address review comments
Change-Id: I1234567890abcdef"
git push origin feature/new-feature:refs/for/dev

Ensure you’ve addressed all review comments before submitting the change for re-review.


By following these workflow suggestions, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your Git workflow when working with Gerrit. Remember to:

  • Use a clear branching strategy
  • Write clear and concise commit messages
  • Use rebase instead of merge
  • Use Gerrit’s Change-Id
  • Submit changes for review with clear information
  • Address review comments in a timely manner

By implementing these suggestions, you’ll ensure a seamless and efficient development process, and maximize the benefits of using Gerrit and Git.

Workflow Suggestion Description
Branching Strategy Use a clear branching strategy to separate development and production code
Commit Message Guidelines Write clear and concise commit messages with a brief summary and detailed explanations
Rebase vs. Merge Use rebase instead of merge to maintain a linear commit history
Using Gerrit’s Change-Id Use Gerrit’s Change-Id in commit messages to track changes across iterations
Submitting Changes for Review Provide clear and concise information when submitting changes for review
Addressing Review Comments Respond to review comments in a timely manner, and update changes accordingly

Implement these workflow suggestions today, and take your Git workflow to the next level!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Suggestions for good workflows with Git, when Gerrit is the central repo”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of Git and Gerrit with these workflow suggestions!

What is the best way to create a new feature branch in Gerrit?

When creating a new feature branch, start by pulling the latest changes from the Gerrit repository using `git pull origin master`. Then, create a new branch using `git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name`. This ensures that your branch is based on the latest code and makes it easier to merge later.

How do I submit changes to Gerrit for review?

To submit changes for review, use `git commit` to commit your changes locally, and then use `git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master` to push your changes to Gerrit. This will create a new change in Gerrit, where it can be reviewed and verified by others.

What’s the best way to handle changes to a feature branch?

When making changes to a feature branch, use `git commit –amend` to update the commit at the tip of the branch. Then, use `git push origin +HEAD:refs/for/master` to update the change in Gerrit. This ensures that the change is updated with the newest commit, and that the review process can continue.

How do I handle conflicts between changes in Gerrit?

When conflicts arise, use `git pull origin master` to pull the latest changes from Gerrit, and then use `git merge` to merge the changes into your local branch. Resolve any conflicts, commit the changes, and then push the updated branch back to Gerrit using `git push origin +HEAD:refs/for/master`.

What’s the best way to merge a feature branch into the main branch?

When a feature branch is ready to be merged, use `git checkout master` to switch to the main branch, and then use `git merge –no-ff feature/your-feature-name` to merge the feature branch into the main branch. This creates a new merge commit that includes all the changes from the feature branch.

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