Xcode Debugging: Skipping Over Routines with “Step Into”
Image by Kataleen - hkhazo.biz.id

Xcode Debugging: Skipping Over Routines with “Step Into”

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When debugging your Swift or Objective-C code in Xcode, you’ve probably encountered the “Step Into” feature. This feature allows you to step through your code line by line, examining the execution flow and variable values. However, sometimes you might want to skip over certain routines or functions, especially if they’re not relevant to the current debugging task. The question is: In Xcode, is there a way to mark a routine so that “Step Into” will skip over the routine?

The Short Answer: Yes!

Xcode provides a built-in mechanism to achieve this. You can use the `@_implementationOnly` attribute or the `OSObjectIdiom` macro to mark a function or a routine, telling the debugger to skip over it when using “Step Into”. Let’s dive deeper into the details and explore these solutions.

Using the `@_implementationOnly` Attribute

The `@_implementationOnly` attribute is a Swift-specific feature that allows you to mark a function, method, or initializer as implementation-only. When you apply this attribute to a routine, Xcode will treat it as an internal implementation detail, and the debugger will skip over it during “Step Into” execution.

func myRoutine() {
    // Your implementation here

To use this attribute, simply add the `@_implementationOnly` keyword before the function or method declaration. This attribute is only available in Swift 5.1 and later versions.

Benefits and Limitations

The `@_implementationOnly` attribute provides several benefits:

  • Code organization: By marking a routine as implementation-only, you can keep your code organized and separate the internal implementation details from the public API.
  • Debugging: As mentioned earlier, this attribute tells the debugger to skip over the marked routine, making it easier to debug your code without getting bogged down in internal implementation details.

However, keep in mind the following limitations:

  • Syntax: The `@_implementationOnly` attribute is only available in Swift and cannot be used with Objective-C code.
  • Compatibility: This attribute requires Xcode 11.3 or later, as well as Swift 5.1 or later.

Using the `OSObjectIdiom` Macro

The `OSObjectIdiom` macro is a more generic solution that can be used with both Swift and Objective-C code. This macro allows you to specify an operating system idiom, which can be used to mark a function or routine as internal or implementation-specific.


void myRoutine() {
    // Your implementation here

To use the `OSObjectIdiom` macro, import the `` header file and wrap the function or method declaration with the `OS_OBJECT_IDIOM` macro. This macro will tell the debugger to skip over the marked routine during “Step Into” execution.

Benefits and Limitations

The `OSObjectIdiom` macro provides the following benefits:

  • Language-agnostic: This macro can be used with both Swift and Objective-C code, making it a more versatile solution.
  • Compatibility: The `OSObjectIdiom` macro is compatible with older versions of Xcode and operating systems, making it a more widely supported solution.

However, consider the following limitations:

  • Syntax: The `OSObjectIdiom` macro requires a specific syntax, which can be error-prone if not used correctly.
  • Documentation: The `OSObjectIdiom` macro is not as well-documented as the `@_implementationOnly` attribute, which can make it harder to discover and use.

Comparison and Conclusion

Both the `@_implementationOnly` attribute and the `OSObjectIdiom` macro allow you to mark a routine so that the debugger will skip over it during “Step Into” execution. However, the choice between these two solutions ultimately depends on your specific needs and project requirements.

Attribute/Macro Language Compatibility Syntax Documentation
@_implementationOnly Swift Xcode 11.3+, Swift 5.1+ Simple, concise Well-documented
OSObjectIdiom Swift, Objective-C Xcode 8+, iOS 8+, macOS 10.12+ More complex, error-prone Poorly documented

In general, if you’re working with Swift code and have Xcode 11.3 or later, the `@_implementationOnly` attribute is a more convenient and well-documented solution. However, if you need to support older versions of Xcode or work with Objective-C code, the `OSObjectIdiom` macro might be a better fit.

Additional Tips and Tricks

When using the `@_implementationOnly` attribute or the `OSObjectIdiom` macro, keep the following tips and tricks in mind:

  1. Use these mechanisms sparingly: Only mark routines that are truly internal implementation details and not part of the public API.

  2. Consider code organization: Use these attributes and macros to separate internal implementation details from the public API, making your code more organized and maintainable.

  3. Test and debug thoroughly: Although these mechanisms can help with debugging, make sure to test and debug your code thoroughly to ensure it works as intended.


In Xcode, you can indeed mark a routine so that “Step Into” will skip over it. The `@_implementationOnly` attribute and the `OSObjectIdiom` macro provide two solutions for achieving this. By understanding the benefits and limitations of each solution, you can choose the best approach for your project and make your debugging experience more efficient.

Remember to use these mechanisms judiciously and prioritize code organization, testing, and debugging to ensure your code is maintainable, efficient, and error-free.

Happy debugging!

Frequently Asked Question

In the world of Xcode, where debugging is an art, there’s a common query that emerges – how to make ‘Step Into’ skip over a routine? Let’s dive into the answers!

Can I mark a routine as “don’t step into” in Xcode?

Unfortunately, there’s no built-in way to explicitly mark a routine to be skipped by ‘Step Into’ in Xcode. However, there are some clever workarounds you can try!

What’s the purpose of the ‘ Debugger(Skip)’ attribute in Xcode?

The ‘Debugger(Skip)’ attribute is actually used to skip over functions when using the ‘Step Over’ or ‘Next’ debugger commands, not ‘Step Into’! It’s still a useful attribute, but not exactly what we’re looking for here.

Can I use a macro or some other trick to skip over a routine?

While there’s no straightforward way, you can create a macro that wraps the function call, and then use the ‘Debugger(Skip)’ attribute on the macro. Clever, right? This way, when you ‘Step Into’ the macro, the debugger will skip over it.

Is there a third-party plugin or extension that can help me skip over routines in Xcode?

As of now, there isn’t a well-known third-party plugin or extension that specifically addresses this issue. However, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the Xcode plugin ecosystem, as new solutions might emerge in the future!

What’s the best approach when working with third-party libraries and ‘Step Into’?

When dealing with third-party libraries, it’s often a good idea to use the ‘Step Over’ command instead of ‘Step Into’, especially if you’re not interested in debugging the library code. This way, you can focus on your own code and avoid getting lost in the library’s implementation details!

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